I checked the CCHS website today, and it appears that Catman is still available for adoption. He is such a calm and cuddly big kitty, it is just a matter of time before someone notices him.
We have not taken in a new foster yet. But I am looking forward to having a new guest. I'll let you know when someone comes.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Bacon Bacon
The most energy we have seen from Catman is in response to bacon. That is the thing that gets him up and moving. Although he did take notice when the door opened. I would expect him to get along well in a house that already has cats. Even though he is a Tom and has yet to have that bit taken care of, he shows no interest at all in our 4 cats. Our dog is another matter.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Molly (Trixie) Update

Catman continues to do well. We saw him at his most excited since arriving yesterday. Bacon is evidently a great favorite, because he actually opened his eyes wide, stood up, and came over to investigate. This cat is not exactly a ball of fire. Gorgeous, yes. Affectionate, oh yes. Energetic -- definitely not. Anybody who is looking for a sleepy boy to curl up with in the evening, he is the cat for you.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Vacation is done, and Catman has come to visit
Well, my son and his wife have returned to Finland, and life has returned to its more familiar hectic pace. So we have been able to make a spot available for Catman to hang out while he gets over a nasty cold (upper respiratory infection would be the technical term).
This has got to be one of the most relaxed cats -- EVER. Takes his medication and never bats an eye. We bring him out to visit for awhile, and he spends the entire time laying in the spot he is sat down -- purring if someone is nearby. He loves to be rubbed under the chin and petted, but he is not pushy about it at all.And he is huge. 15 lbs.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Yes, we have been on vacation -- and will be for the next 2 weeks also. Which severely limits me on posting or fostering for awhile. We are looking forward to being back with the animals though.
In the meantime there are many other foster families working with Champaign County Humane Society. Animals are there and waiting for homes. And our friends are working hard to find those homes for them.
In the meantime there are many other foster families working with Champaign County Humane Society. Animals are there and waiting for homes. And our friends are working hard to find those homes for them.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Yay! Floyd is going home!
Our funny goof ball Floyd is headed to his forever home. According to the CCHS website he has been adopted. We know he will bring laughter, joy and genuine affection to his new family. Yay for you, Floyd!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Floyd still waiting for his home
Clay sent me a nice message today letting me know that Floyd is still waiting for his forever home -- and that he was able to appear on T.V. this week. He seems REALLY subdued in the T.V. studio -- which is not too surprising since like Clay mentions in the video, Floyd is a little apprehensive about new experiences. He did eventually get accustomed to going up and down our front steps while he was here, but he never was too crazy about it. Since he was here on heartworm treatment and left as soon as that was done, we didn't get to take him on any long walks, or expose hime to a whole lot. He did get used to having us around though, and is definitely a people dog.
Enjoy Floyd's T.V. spot below.
Enjoy Floyd's T.V. spot below.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Some videos of Floyd
We took some pictures today -- and filmed two videos --- so you can all get a good look at Odie Dog Floyd. We couldn't catch him chasing his tail unfortunately, but you can see how truly playful and yet very affectionate that he is. Even when he is all wound up though, you can see how easily he settles down for a good cuddle. He definitely will bring humor to any family he joins. And check out those sweet blue eyes!!
He'll be headed back to the Humane Society on Saturday, and we expect him to be up for adoption very soon.
He'll be headed back to the Humane Society on Saturday, and we expect him to be up for adoption very soon.
Floyd nearly ready to find a home
I am so sorry I have not gotten any pictures of Floyd posted. He is such a goof it is rather difficult to get a decent picture of him. Definitely an Odie dog -- not a Lassie. He keeps us in stitches chasing his tail, catching socks, and bounding about. He has definitely been the most interested in our cats of any foster that we have had. Obsessed might be a good word. Jack considers him something to play with. Zippy won't come down from the highest perch he can find. Mike plays with no one -- and Floyd seems to be catching on that being batted at by Mike is a far pricklier experience than being batted at by Jack. And Dart has learned to negotiate her way through the living room behind furniture if Floyd happens to be out of his crate. Which actually has been very rare. He is here for heartworm treatment, and he is not prone to sedate behavior out of the crate. Which Jack thinks is very funny and sits next to the crate watching him.
Floyd has a very pitiful moan, and does not enjoy being left alone at all, although he loves his crate -- just not being left in a room alone in it. He is a people dog through and through, and wants to be with us. Thus we have found it necessary to keep the crate in the living room where we usually are. And his moan is not soft. I definitely would not recommend him for an apartment dweller that is gone a lot. Neighbors would not be happy.
Floyd has a very pitiful moan, and does not enjoy being left alone at all, although he loves his crate -- just not being left in a room alone in it. He is a people dog through and through, and wants to be with us. Thus we have found it necessary to keep the crate in the living room where we usually are. And his moan is not soft. I definitely would not recommend him for an apartment dweller that is gone a lot. Neighbors would not be happy.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Floyd is doing well
Sorry about not having any pictures yet -- it has been a hectic week. Floyd is doing well though. He does have a bug which caused some pretty nasty diarrhea, but he is on meds for that and is responding well. We did move him upstairs, but opted for trying the crate in the living room, since the yard sale still had some of my living room furniture in my room, it just seemed easier. But it actually is working very well, so we have just stuck with it. Floyd has become very crate comfortable being in the room with us, and goes in and out of the crate even if he is not enclosed in it. And if we close the door, he just stays in there quietly, even if we don't bother to latch it. He is responding well to be asked to lay down in it, when things get too active for a dog on heartworm treatment. So all in all, he is getting more interaction, and still maintaining a low key existence.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Floyd is visiting
Our new foster friend, Floyd is visiting. I'll load some pictures later. He came home with me yesterday morning. Usually fosters stay in my husband and my bedroom, but we were having a yardsale yesterday that extended into my front room, so I thought Floyd would feel calmer in the basement where he did not hear so many strange voices coming and going right outside the door. Besides the fact that the crate in my bedroom, makes things pretty snug.
Floyd cries when he is lonely. Rather loudly. So that did not work so well. And is not working well. I think Floyd is moving upstairs today.
Also, Floyd is not comfortable using stairs. At all. His front legs go up, but his back ones won't follow -- and then he freezes and pitifully whimpers in great consternation.
Once again -- Floyd is moving upstairs today.
Floyd cries when he is lonely. Rather loudly. So that did not work so well. And is not working well. I think Floyd is moving upstairs today.
Also, Floyd is not comfortable using stairs. At all. His front legs go up, but his back ones won't follow -- and then he freezes and pitifully whimpers in great consternation.
Once again -- Floyd is moving upstairs today.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Molly has been adopted
Hooray!! According to Champaign County web site this evening Molly has been adopted. So happy for her -- and for her new family!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Would you like to adopt Molly?
I talked to the staff at the Humane Society the other day, and we agree that it would be fantastic if Molly could be adopted with a minimum amount of time spent back at the Humane Society. She is a an extremely quiet natured and affectionate girl and is happiest in a one on one situation. If you are interested in Molly, and are waiting for her to go up for adoption -- go ahead and let the staff at the Humane Society know, or contact me here on the blog. I don't have much of a video camera, but the links included here, will give you a couple of short movies of her.
OH -- and if you are looking for kittens, Dexter, Snowie and Midnight are back at the Humane Society and ready for adoption. We have had lots of litters of kittens here -- but none match these three in their desire to cuddle. I have let other litters out of the crate for play times -- but then we always have to get them to come out from under the dresser or from behind the stacks under the drafting table. Not these guys. If a person is in the room -- they are on the person. And if a person is not in the room, they are sitting at the door waiting for one to come in. Sweet sweet babies. They will also get along fine with a family that has a dog -- because they all love Molly.
OH -- and if you are looking for kittens, Dexter, Snowie and Midnight are back at the Humane Society and ready for adoption. We have had lots of litters of kittens here -- but none match these three in their desire to cuddle. I have let other litters out of the crate for play times -- but then we always have to get them to come out from under the dresser or from behind the stacks under the drafting table. Not these guys. If a person is in the room -- they are on the person. And if a person is not in the room, they are sitting at the door waiting for one to come in. Sweet sweet babies. They will also get along fine with a family that has a dog -- because they all love Molly.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Kitten check up
Dexter, Snowie, and Midnight went in for the newest round of medicine and weight check today. Midnight continues to hover just below the 2lb mark -- so they will be staying with us till at least next Wed. Much to Miss Molly's joy.
You can see Snowie getting a Molly bath here, purring through the whole thing.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Molly's walk
Last Wednessday we were able to take Molly on a nice long walk. We started from our house and headed to the library where I wanted to pick up some holds and then on to Jerry's IGA to grab some canned food for the kittens, and finally Hessell Park. When Molly first arrived she was extremely sedate on walks, but on this walk we realized this was just a part of her insecurity and she can benefit from a bit more experience on a leash. By no means is she unruly or a puller, but now that she is more comfortable, she is also bit more likely to jump for squirrells, insist on being way out front or to react to other dogs. She has such a gentle nature, though, that she is truly a pleasure to walk with, even without much obedience training.
Along the way we met lots of people, and even a fire engine wailing down the street. She really enjoyed watching the kids at Hessell and would have loved to join in the play. Unfortunately, a thunder storm was brewing so we cut our visit short. I wouldn't worry about Molly in a storm though. She was just fine, even with the thunder booming right over our heads.On Thursday, I had a garage sale, and I let Molly hang out under my table to meet lots of people. She was enjoying herself thoroughly, until one customer was unsure of her -- and Molly became very unsure. I ended up moving her farther away where she could still see everyone, but they wouldn't walk right up on her. She didn't like that as well and ended up chewing through her leash. So I moved her closer, but not right under the table, and this spot worked wonderfull.
Molly has a variable pitch bark. Most of the time her bark is nearly silent and wheezing from a very tight throat. She almost squeeks it out and it is mostly just the sound of escaping air squeezed through her vocal chords. Yet, she can really bark -- she just doesn't do it very often. She did bark at the insecure woman at the garage sale. And she has barked at another dog we met on a walk -- one that was raising absolutely all sorts of cain at her. Her normal high pitch squeek is what she has consistently used when she wanted out of the crate, or bathroom, or any time she can see me, but can't get to me for some reason. Her full bark is reserved for being left in the crate when we are not at home -- she doesn't seem to do this when we leave her in the bathroom, or for something she deems a truly serious situation.
The pictures below and in the post below show the day that we let her actually meet the kittens. She had been sniffing them unrelentlessly under the crack of the door, and they were obviously very interested in her, and not scared a bit. She had met them through the walls of the crate, and they never showed even the slightest bit of apprehension. So I brought them out and let them meet. Molly wanted her nose right up in their faces, or the other end, and Midnight did her give her one very mild hiss. Which made her immediately drop to the floor and roll over on her back. She finally got up her nerve to come back, and this time Midnight was just fine. She sniffed and sniffed, and then began grooming them with her tongue. I am not really clear on whether dog saliva is particulary healthy for growing kittens, so I ended the visit, but they were content enough to have gone to sleep together if I had let her go on.
Friday, June 25, 2010
So MUCH to tell -- So many pictures to show you!!
We are having SUCH a good time, with Molly and the kittens. Molly has been on long walks. She has been to the park, grocery store, library. She has watched Fire engines go by, sat through a yard sale, gone for rides in the van, met boys on skate boards, been outside when thunder boomed overhead -- just a plethora of experiences. We have learned that the biggest thing she has trouble with, is people who are insecure themselves. She reads fear quickly, doesn't like it, and doesn't quite know how to react to it. But friendly, confident, open people, especially with quiet voices, bring 'em on, she loves them all.
And she LOVES the kittens!! And they LOVE her. I am so tired, and I have so many stories to share with you, and so many pictures of this beautiful dog. Tomorrow, though.

Midnight Dexter and Snowy,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Kittens and Molly
Well, now we know the kittens get along with a dog -- and Molly likes kittens. Molly didn't seem to mind giving up her crate at all, and has been rather intrigued by the new occupants. The kittens are not startled in the least when she has briefly been in the room where they are -- and she sticks her nose up against the wire sniffing loudly. I let the kittens out for awhile today for a romp around the room, and Molly laid outside the door sniffing at the crack much of the time -- with a kitten on the other side sniffing back. There was no raised fur, no arched back, no hissing, absolutely nothing. They seemed to think that perhaps another kitten was on the other side.
But after I had been in the basement for awhile I came in -- intent on getting ready for work, not thinking about kittens and tossed the door open. Dexter and Midnight were right there at the door, and they bolted out right under Molly's feet. I snatched Dexter, but Midnight got by. But she seemed a whole lot more intent on her amazement at the new space than she was startled at the dog. In fact, when I found her, she was still right by the door and near Molly just bouncing about under the rocking chair.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Picnic Molly
The pictures above show Molly meeting a total stranger. The picture to the side is Molly with me. She may be on the timid side, but you can easily see how truly affectionate she is.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Three Kittens
For the first time since we began fostering we have more than one visitor. Molly really doesn't need the crate -- she is only here for socialization, and the humane society has had a lot of kittens come in lately. So we have made the crate available for three young kittens. It's been awhile since we had cats, and we do enjoy the kittens antics. Check out Dexter's eyebrows on the left!! Snowy is in the middle, and Midnight on the right.
Molly continues to be a sweetheart. She loves to go on a walk, and is a real pleasure to be with. She alerts and is quite interested in the squirrels, but doesn't jerk my arm out of its socket the way my own dog does.
Midnight Dexter and Snowy,
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Lazy Lady --
Don't get me wrong -- she is pretty -- but lazy lady is definitely more fitting. Nobody told Molly that her breed is known for being 'athletic!' Whatever she is mixed with must be a very laid back sedate breed -- because a nap is pretty much her favorite activity.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Our new pretty lady -- Molly
We are told she is an Australian Cattle Dog mix -- and she certainly has the coloring, but her hair is a bit softer and with a bit of a wave to it, that just adds to her charm.
She is here with us for socialization. She was scared and skittish at the Humane Society. But she has settled in here within a day. Last night she wanted some cuddle time and reassurance, and I let her lay on my lap for a couple of hours. But today, we very gently told her to stay down, and she has been very content to follow me about and lay at my feet. She doesn't shy at the cats, or try to interact with them at all.
I took her for a walk today and we went around the perimeter of West Side park -- which is hosting the Taste of Champaign today. She behaved exceedingly well. She was never skittish a bit, met people easily, never balked, never pulled. She preferred to stand and watch the BMX racers for awhile before walking past them, but then she proceeded just fine.
I am looking forward to enjoying daily walks with this true sweetheart in the next few days.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dro Bones still available
It looks like Dro Bones is still waiting for his forever home. At least he is still listed on the website for the Champaign County Humane Society at cuhumane.org .
We haven't taken in a new foster just yet. Since we took Bones back, none have been posted, which is a good thing.
We haven't taken in a new foster just yet. Since we took Bones back, none have been posted, which is a good thing.
Dro Bones,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Dro Bones is up for adoption
Dro Bones is now listed on the CCHS website. We certainly have enjoyed his time here, and miss him already. He will make someone a terrific companion. He found the ride back, and getting to see his old friends there very exciting.
We'll be waiting to see who chooses this wonderful dog to be a permanent part of their life. I know Bones will be -- exuberant -- in his choice of them. In his time here, though, he showed that he is also very willing to learn, and he likes pleasing people.
And now we take a break for at least a day or so, til we have another visitor.
We'll be waiting to see who chooses this wonderful dog to be a permanent part of their life. I know Bones will be -- exuberant -- in his choice of them. In his time here, though, he showed that he is also very willing to learn, and he likes pleasing people.
And now we take a break for at least a day or so, til we have another visitor.
Dro Bones,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Dro Bones Last Night Here
Tonight is Dro Bones last night with us. He will be going back to the Humane Society tomorrow morning. We brought him out for a bit of flashlight play this evening. I tried to video him to share with you all, but unfortunately his antics did not show up well. The thing is, he knows exactly where the light is coming from -- and he loves sticks. So he can't decide whether he should try and catch the fascinating circle of light, or try for that really cool stick that it is coming from.
QUITE different than his original antics with the cats, although he has become merely enamored with them as well.
I did get a good picture of him with the ferret -- and for all of Dro Bones rambunctiousness he is amazingly gentle with her. The first time he noticed her, I was very nervous, but he has shown himself to be reliably subdued with her. He will stand on his hind legs and balance before the cage, to see her, but he has never been anything more than just quietly awed by her existence -- and perhaps curious. He softly leans his front paws against the cage, and doesn't even wiggle it.
Dro Bones,
Hooray for Dro Bones !
We have reached a point where I believe Bones actually is responding to the word "Sit". His attention to the human he is with has improved outstandingly during his time here!
And this morning while we were outside, my neighbor came out -- with his dog off of a leash. Of course he and Bones immediately saw each other, but when I called Bones to the door, he was quick to come and was happy to go bounding into the house. His first order once inside is to check and see if he can find one of my cats -- so he was off excitedly, especially since we had come in rather abruptly. I called, "Dro Bones, Crate, Bones, Come on, Crate." And he came bursting back from the kitchen, bounded past me into the bedroom and INTO the crate, turning and waiting for his treat. WOW! I am so proud of this big boy!!
He is high energy, but he has really learned to listen to the people around him. He is going to do just fine.
And this morning while we were outside, my neighbor came out -- with his dog off of a leash. Of course he and Bones immediately saw each other, but when I called Bones to the door, he was quick to come and was happy to go bounding into the house. His first order once inside is to check and see if he can find one of my cats -- so he was off excitedly, especially since we had come in rather abruptly. I called, "Dro Bones, Crate, Bones, Come on, Crate." And he came bursting back from the kitchen, bounded past me into the bedroom and INTO the crate, turning and waiting for his treat. WOW! I am so proud of this big boy!!
He is high energy, but he has really learned to listen to the people around him. He is going to do just fine.
Dro Bones,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Dro Bones Learns to Sit
Dro Bones Learns to Sit today -- and by clicking you can watch a short video of his time out side. You will also see that Down has not been learned yet and that my snakes are very interesting and must be investigated. But believe me, he has come a long way in the last few weeks.
He is very close to learning "Crate" -- he does know that he is headed there when he comes back in the house and that a whole handful of crackers will be his reward!! A much desired prize. But I am very doubtful that he actually recognizes the word "Crate" as a command. Just as he does not really reliably respond to the world "Sit" yet -- but more so to the fact that a cracker is in my hand and if he sits he will get it.
However he definitely knows the words "Wanna Go?" And leaps towards the van hoping there is a ride involved. So I am sure he will eventually learn to associate other words with actions.
He is very close to learning "Crate" -- he does know that he is headed there when he comes back in the house and that a whole handful of crackers will be his reward!! A much desired prize. But I am very doubtful that he actually recognizes the word "Crate" as a command. Just as he does not really reliably respond to the world "Sit" yet -- but more so to the fact that a cracker is in my hand and if he sits he will get it.
However he definitely knows the words "Wanna Go?" And leaps towards the van hoping there is a ride involved. So I am sure he will eventually learn to associate other words with actions.
Dro Bones,
YouTube - lrhawkins1's Channel#p/a/f/0/Whv-QNlohz4
YouTube - lrhawkins1's Channel#p/a/f/0/Whv-QNlohz4
It seems that I can share the video straight from You Tube in a post and not deal with the Video Bar -- so that is what I am trying. Enjoy viewing Bones and the Boys!
It seems that I can share the video straight from You Tube in a post and not deal with the Video Bar -- so that is what I am trying. Enjoy viewing Bones and the Boys!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Rearranged blog
I did a bit of rearranging -- and made a mess -- here on the blog. But I think things are back where you can see all the pictures and the video bar is now at the top, so it is easier to find. It seems to be putting up some videos that are not mine though. So I may end up having to remove it.
Right now we are still trying to make it work though. There is a new -- very short -- video of Bones with my son and nephew you may enjoy. Bones LOVES kids. He will cover them in dog slobber -- but he loves them. And he loves playing with them. And I have spent a few hours getting that crazy little short video with no sound to perhaps show, to let you know that. So I hope someone enjoys it. LOL
Right now we are still trying to make it work though. There is a new -- very short -- video of Bones with my son and nephew you may enjoy. Bones LOVES kids. He will cover them in dog slobber -- but he loves them. And he loves playing with them. And I have spent a few hours getting that crazy little short video with no sound to perhaps show, to let you know that. So I hope someone enjoys it. LOL
Dro Bones,
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bones will be looking for his forever family soon
Bones is nearly done with his time here with us, and will be returning to CCHMS to find his forever family. We have learned a few things about him during his quiet time here. He is an active dog who LOVES people and wants to interact with his people. He is always ready for ride in the van and is hoping each time he goes outside that a trip in the van is involved. He can be easily distracted -- sort an ADD fellow -- but what that really means is that he is paying attention to EVERYTHING. Far, near, human, animal, vegetable -- he is taking it in. But people rank first in his world and if you want his attention just pick up a ball, stick, or laser pointer. Oh yes, this 60 lb boy will chase a laser pointer like a kitten. He is great fun to be around, but for all his energy, he also loves to just sit quiet and be petted.
And oyster crackers make a great cheap treat. He is still not reliable to sit on command -- unless you have a cracker, but with a cracker you have his full attention.
And oyster crackers make a great cheap treat. He is still not reliable to sit on command -- unless you have a cracker, but with a cracker you have his full attention.
Dro Bones,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Roxy has found her home!
Great news for Roxy and her very lucky new family.
We took Dro Bones in for a check up today because his face was very swolen this morning. Evidently he had a bee sting or spider bite, or something that he had an allergic reaction to. He was given a shot of some Benadryl and is doing fine.
But while we were there, I heard someone mention Roxy's name and was able to meet the family that is adopting her. A truly wonderful match -- Roxy will have a wonderful home, and they will have a wonderful new companion.
We took Dro Bones in for a check up today because his face was very swolen this morning. Evidently he had a bee sting or spider bite, or something that he had an allergic reaction to. He was given a shot of some Benadryl and is doing fine.
But while we were there, I heard someone mention Roxy's name and was able to meet the family that is adopting her. A truly wonderful match -- Roxy will have a wonderful home, and they will have a wonderful new companion.
Dro Bones,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Dro Bones Progress
We have been working with Dro Bones on our short outings, practicing sitting, and just trying gain his attention and boost his confidence and comfort with people. We've been using oyster crackers as his treat -- something he dearly loves, and is pretty cheap. He is responding very well . Our sessions are brief, since he is here on heartworm treatment, but we practice every time he is out.
The one improvement that I am seeing, is that he is improving in his comfort level of people approaching. When we take Dro Bones out, we go to our front yard. And we live in a neighborhood where people walk past on the side walk frequently. So even though we are only out briefly, it is likely that he will be approached by a stranger. He is just naturally a very friendly and an exuberant dog, which can be a bit overwhelming for strangers when he jumps and barks. In my front yard, originally, he would respond to people across the street or even half a block away all the same. But by staying close to him and petting him constantly, he is learning that not everything is worth getting that excited about. Maybe its worhwhile to pay attention to the people closer at hand -- who have oyster crackers.
The one improvement that I am seeing, is that he is improving in his comfort level of people approaching. When we take Dro Bones out, we go to our front yard. And we live in a neighborhood where people walk past on the side walk frequently. So even though we are only out briefly, it is likely that he will be approached by a stranger. He is just naturally a very friendly and an exuberant dog, which can be a bit overwhelming for strangers when he jumps and barks. In my front yard, originally, he would respond to people across the street or even half a block away all the same. But by staying close to him and petting him constantly, he is learning that not everything is worth getting that excited about. Maybe its worhwhile to pay attention to the people closer at hand -- who have oyster crackers.
Dro Bones,
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Some news about Roxy
We got this nice message from Clay at the CCHMS today.
Hi Lavana. Today, I gave a shelter tour to a half dozen special needs students. At the end of the tour, they went outside and waited patiently as I retrieved a dog for them to meet. I brought Roxy out. She sat next to me on the ground. The students approached one at a time, allowed her to sniff their hand, and then petted her gently. Roxy was so wonderful! She was patient, friendly, and never tried to retreat or stand up. Thought you’d like to know.
Thanks, Clay. So good to know that Roxy is doing well. She is such a quiet and laid back lady -- this is just the type of situation where she can shine. --
Hi Lavana. Today, I gave a shelter tour to a half dozen special needs students. At the end of the tour, they went outside and waited patiently as I retrieved a dog for them to meet. I brought Roxy out. She sat next to me on the ground. The students approached one at a time, allowed her to sniff their hand, and then petted her gently. Roxy was so wonderful! She was patient, friendly, and never tried to retreat or stand up. Thought you’d like to know.
Thanks, Clay. So good to know that Roxy is doing well. She is such a quiet and laid back lady -- this is just the type of situation where she can shine. --
Dro Bones -- the fun filled 60 lb lap dog
Well, Dro Bones has definitely been a contrast to the sweet laid back Roxy who we would forget that we had out of her crate. There is no forgetting about Dro Bones.
This is an enthusiasitc joyous doggy dog. My 8-year-old nephew Timmy was here for a visit -- and they immediately became fast buddies. We have learned that Dro Bones loves a tummy rub.
And I was able to post a picture of his gorgeous grin today. He just can't help it -- he is way too full of fun to keep that smile hidden.
It is hard to keep him contained in the crate all day when he wants to play and be sociable so bad -- but it is necessary for now. Till he has had his month of heart worm treatment recovery.
Not only is he fun and full of excitement but he is very smart also. I am glad we have this month to work with him on some behavior issues. Already he has learned to wait for the door to be opened rather than pushing on it. He is learning "Crate" -- so we can say it and have him go in rather than having to push him in -- and is progressing very well. If he is not in an excitable situation he can be relied on to sit on command. Our times together are limited because of the heartworm treatment -- but we are making full use of them. (and bacon grease on a bit of bread is a favorite treat).
This is an enthusiasitc joyous doggy dog. My 8-year-old nephew Timmy was here for a visit -- and they immediately became fast buddies. We have learned that Dro Bones loves a tummy rub.
And I was able to post a picture of his gorgeous grin today. He just can't help it -- he is way too full of fun to keep that smile hidden.
It is hard to keep him contained in the crate all day when he wants to play and be sociable so bad -- but it is necessary for now. Till he has had his month of heart worm treatment recovery.
Not only is he fun and full of excitement but he is very smart also. I am glad we have this month to work with him on some behavior issues. Already he has learned to wait for the door to be opened rather than pushing on it. He is learning "Crate" -- so we can say it and have him go in rather than having to push him in -- and is progressing very well. If he is not in an excitable situation he can be relied on to sit on command. Our times together are limited because of the heartworm treatment -- but we are making full use of them. (and bacon grease on a bit of bread is a favorite treat).
Dro Bones,
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dro Bones has come to visit
We have a Mountain Cur / Mastiff mix here visiting. He has a beautiful grin I have not been able to catch on camera yet. And he LOVES Judah. I picked Dro Bones up at CCHS and then Judah from the library . Although Bones was enthusiasitc and friendly meeting me -- obviously 14 year old boys are a GREAT favorite because he went berzerk when Judd got in the van!! WOW!! "It's a BOY -- let me lick him, he is MINE!" was pretty much the message.
We will have him for a month. He is here while he goes through the heartworm treatment. We'll be doing some behavior training with him. He needs to learn not jump, and be enthusiastic in a less overwhelming way. But I can see already that he will be true joy to have around.
We had a nice message from Clay Foley at CCHS that Roxy is doing well. Always good to hear. She took so long to warm up here and gain some confidence, I was afraid that going back might be a little intimidating for her. But Clay says she is walking well on a leash and her gains in confidence are very evident. Very nice. She will make some dog loving family a very fine companion.
We will have him for a month. He is here while he goes through the heartworm treatment. We'll be doing some behavior training with him. He needs to learn not jump, and be enthusiastic in a less overwhelming way. But I can see already that he will be true joy to have around.
We had a nice message from Clay Foley at CCHS that Roxy is doing well. Always good to hear. She took so long to warm up here and gain some confidence, I was afraid that going back might be a little intimidating for her. But Clay says she is walking well on a leash and her gains in confidence are very evident. Very nice. She will make some dog loving family a very fine companion.
Dro Bones,
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Roxy is headed back on Monday
Roxy is headed back to Champaign County Humane Society on Monday. She'll get her check up for her heart worm treatment, and we assume that she will be staying and be up for adoption very soon.
It took Roxy a good two weeks to really become comfortable here, so although I know that anyone who visits her at the humane society is going to be able to pet her -- they may not get to realize her truly affectionate nature. She leans into us now for good rubbing, and follows me around when she is out of the crate. If I am at the desk, she is laying under it. If I am sitting in the living room, she is laying at the front door where she can see me. If I am workign in the kitchen, she is wandering about trying to see what I am doing. Yet, when I tell her "come on Roxy, time to go to bed, " she goes straight in her crate -- with just a bit of a pout. She has never once whined, barked or complained about her time spent in the crate. And in fact, at times she asks to go back to it, if there are several people at home milling around.
She does tend to like things quiet. She met a young boy the yesterday -- maybe twoish -- and she behaved very well, turning toward him to nuzzle a bit as he petted her She tolerates my cats presence, and I would expect no problems if a home had some. According the laws, we can't really let her interact with the cats, but they have seen each other. She does get a bit nervous when all 5 of us are at home and moving around -- and asks to go back to her crate. She has expected to be petted by every person visiting she has seen.
Just this last week, Roxy has begun to be truly eager to come back inside after being out. She gives a little bounce coming through the door, and has to smile and greet everyone in the room. We will truly miss her loving quiet friendship, and hope that she can find a forever home soon that fits her.
It took Roxy a good two weeks to really become comfortable here, so although I know that anyone who visits her at the humane society is going to be able to pet her -- they may not get to realize her truly affectionate nature. She leans into us now for good rubbing, and follows me around when she is out of the crate. If I am at the desk, she is laying under it. If I am sitting in the living room, she is laying at the front door where she can see me. If I am workign in the kitchen, she is wandering about trying to see what I am doing. Yet, when I tell her "come on Roxy, time to go to bed, " she goes straight in her crate -- with just a bit of a pout. She has never once whined, barked or complained about her time spent in the crate. And in fact, at times she asks to go back to it, if there are several people at home milling around.
She does tend to like things quiet. She met a young boy the yesterday -- maybe twoish -- and she behaved very well, turning toward him to nuzzle a bit as he petted her She tolerates my cats presence, and I would expect no problems if a home had some. According the laws, we can't really let her interact with the cats, but they have seen each other. She does get a bit nervous when all 5 of us are at home and moving around -- and asks to go back to her crate. She has expected to be petted by every person visiting she has seen.
Just this last week, Roxy has begun to be truly eager to come back inside after being out. She gives a little bounce coming through the door, and has to smile and greet everyone in the room. We will truly miss her loving quiet friendship, and hope that she can find a forever home soon that fits her.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Roxy still doing well
Roxy contiues to do well. She gets a bit more comfortable everyday. She tends to like things quiet still, and she keeps herself quiet as well, which makes her a very easy dog to have around. I've put up some pictures of her, so you can see what I mean about the eyebrows -- my husband's barber would say those need a trim. Funny. And with her wiry overcoat and brindle coloring she truly is a unique and pretty girl.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Roxy has been here two weeks
Roxy has been here about two weeks now -- and I apologize very much for only just now getting up a couple of pictures of her.
I need not have worried at all about Roxy's activity level, that's for sure. She is a docile friend. To the point of being timid really. She is easy to walk on the leash, has become very accustomed to the crate, and although she has a very large booming bark that would scare anybody half to death she has only seen reason to use it three times since she has been here. All three of those times were when strangers ventured onto our front walk while she was outside, and after two Woofs that fluttered my shingles, she was done when I reached down to pat her and turn her towards the door and she calmly came inside with me.
She is happiest when we are all sitting quietly in the living room together and she can curl up near by and be a part of the group. She is not pushy about seeking attention, but she is a good companion.
She'll be here at least two more weeks as she continues to recover from her heartworm treatment -- and the day she returns we will certainly miss her. In the meantime, I will work on getting some better pictures of our old man, Roxy.
I need not have worried at all about Roxy's activity level, that's for sure. She is a docile friend. To the point of being timid really. She is easy to walk on the leash, has become very accustomed to the crate, and although she has a very large booming bark that would scare anybody half to death she has only seen reason to use it three times since she has been here. All three of those times were when strangers ventured onto our front walk while she was outside, and after two Woofs that fluttered my shingles, she was done when I reached down to pat her and turn her towards the door and she calmly came inside with me.
She is happiest when we are all sitting quietly in the living room together and she can curl up near by and be a part of the group. She is not pushy about seeking attention, but she is a good companion.
She'll be here at least two more weeks as she continues to recover from her heartworm treatment -- and the day she returns we will certainly miss her. In the meantime, I will work on getting some better pictures of our old man, Roxy.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Roxy is now visiting us
I was able to bring Roxy home yesterday -- and sweeter dog you could never find. She is exceptionally calm and quietly friendly. She will be a great dog with kids, or older people. I took some pictures, but I am having some battery issues this morning and I can't get them uploaded just yet.
She looks like an old man -- my sons all agree. The people at the Humane Society call her a Lab mix, but she is brindle colored with wiry hair and fuzzy eyebrows -- which all combines for a slightly comical look. We love her already.
Roxy is EXCELLENT on a leash -- not even the slightest tug, which is just what the doctor ordered -- literally.
She looks like an old man -- my sons all agree. The people at the Humane Society call her a Lab mix, but she is brindle colored with wiry hair and fuzzy eyebrows -- which all combines for a slightly comical look. We love her already.
Roxy is EXCELLENT on a leash -- not even the slightest tug, which is just what the doctor ordered -- literally.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Roxy will be coming to visit
We are looking forward to bringing Roxy home to visit next Thursday. Roxy will be treated for heartworms, so she will be needing to stay quiet. I am told that she is pretty calm. Since she will only be able to go on short outings -- she and I will be able to return to good health together. While my eye finishes its healing process she will be a good friend to get to know.
Roxy heartworms
Friday, February 12, 2010
Preparing to foster again
Well, the surgery on my eye turned out to be quite the experience -- and although it was not painful, or debilitating, the recovery was long and required a lot of quiet time. We are now through the worst of it, though, and finally able to return to a life. I am looking forward to being able to foster again. A few animals have come up lately, but the ones we thought we could take have gone to other foster homes. Which is fine, they are being cared for.
Keep checking back, we'll be having a guest soon.
Keep checking back, we'll be having a guest soon.
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