Sunday, October 25, 2009

Topaz and Indigo

We seem to be having a trend of blue animals at our house.  Our two new fosters are two cats named Topaz and Indigo (last dog was Saphyre).  My understanding is that these cats come from the same home, and are having some litter box issues.  Our job is to determine if there is a medical problem or a behavioral one.  They seem to using the box well so far, although we are only giving them the run of the room if we are in there watching them.

These cats are very affectionate.  Topaz seems to be a bit more cuddly and Indigo a bit more playful.  I was sitting in the cat room (my bedroom) reading today, letting them wander around and lost track of Topaz.  I called KeeKee in my kitty calling voice and her head popped out of a two inch wide crack in a drawer.  Not sure how she got in there so quietly, because she had quite the squeeze getting out.  And now you know I have a bad habit of not getting my drawers shut all the way. My mom is probably very embarrassed.  It's a lesson she did teach, I just didn't learn it well.  :-)

Indigo is the brown kitty -- with beatiful blue eyes, and Topaz is the black one with greenish brown eyes.

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