Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Topaz is sick again - -

Topaz has started puking again. There had been no puking since I had brought him in to see the folks at the Humane Society until four days ago. He puked during the night and I noticed the next morning that someone drank A LOT of water that night. So I hoped he had just drank too much and made himself ill. This was one of the possibilities that the staff at CCHS has suggested.  But he has puked the next two nights as well, and yesterday he puked three times on my bed while we were gone and again during the night. During the night it was VERY WEIRD because he made an extremely unusual sound before puking. He sounded like a mechanical baby doll crying. Both my husband and I sat right straight up in bed saying "What in the world was THAT?!"  I leaned around to peer in the crate and Topaz was up and began puking at about that moment -- conveniently aimed into the litter box.

Poor Topaz!  I feel so bad for him.


  1. Could it be the food? My cat Squeek, was put on Purina OM at one point, for a diet, and he threw up all of the time. I hope whatever it is, it's nothing too serious. Thanks for taking such good care of the kittens!

  2. I just heard that Topaz and Indigo are being killed tomorrow (Monday, Dec. 14). Is it true? Are they just not able to determine what's wrong with them? Do they have a terminal illness or is it just too costly to keep testing? Are you not able to keep them any longer because they are too disruptive, require too much care? I would take them in if I could afford it and if my cat and dog wouldn't freak out. I just hate to see them put to death. Thanks. LW

  3. I took Topaz and Indigo back for their check up on Friday. I was not called that they needed to be picked back up -- so I am assuming that they are doing fine. Topaz had not thrown up again since this rather violent episoded that I posted. They take their pills very well, and I am willing to foster them longer if that is what they need. If it has been determined that more fostering and more Clavimox is not going to help -- I don't know anything about it, but I do know the people there at the shelter and I fully trust their judgement. Also, from the few times that Topaz and Indigo have caught glimpses of my animals, I would have no qualms about them being able to get along in a family that already has pets. They are very relaxed and friendly kitties.


Thanks for your comments.