Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dro Bones Progress

We have been working with Dro Bones on our short outings, practicing sitting, and just trying gain his attention and boost his confidence and comfort with people.  We've been using oyster crackers as his treat -- something he dearly loves, and is pretty cheap.  He is responding very well .  Our sessions are brief, since he is here on heartworm treatment, but we practice every time he is out.

The one improvement that I am seeing, is that he is improving in his comfort level of people approaching.  When we take Dro Bones out, we go to our front yard.  And we live in a neighborhood where people walk past on the side walk frequently.  So even though we are only out briefly, it is likely that he will be approached by a stranger.  He is just naturally a very friendly and an exuberant dog, which can be a bit overwhelming for strangers when he jumps and barks.  In my front yard, originally, he would respond to people across the street or even half a block away all the same.  But by staying close to him and petting him constantly, he is learning that not everything is worth getting that excited about.  Maybe its worhwhile to pay attention to the people closer at hand -- who have oyster crackers.

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